Wednesday, June 13, 2012

BadaGaon - Pargana Chail ( Baragaon)

On the way to Badagaon
The first view upon entering the village
The road inside Bada Gaon
Guys playing cricket !
"Mahal " the house of Dunne Miyan & brothers
Inside Village
Houses of Chaudharis in Bada Gaon
Chaudhari Ansar Ahmad /Raees Ahmad mansion in front of Masjid 
The oldest mosque in the Village
Look at the Old Wooden Door of the mosque
A Madrasa in Bada Gaon
Another view inside the village
Govt.Primary School in the village
Please read the MENU of daily meals in the School see the Eid Gaah of BadaGaon
The Gate of the Eid Gaah
A closer view of The Eid Gaah
The famed "Khinni Bagh" , children throwing stones for Khinni
The dying  Khinni Tree
With Ehsan Ahmad beside the Eid Gaah in sweltering heat
Here lie in eternal sleep Nazar Muhammad and his family 
The Locked Door ?????
Pata nahi Kaise Kaise log yahan rah ke chale gaye !
Dr.Hasan Ahmad in Bada Gaon
Thanks a ton Nadeem Hasan !

Bada Gaon - Pargana Chail  (With Nazarganj & Rasoolpur Qazi )


Patti Parvezabad is the name of the revenue mauza that is known as Bada Gaon in Pargana Chail District Kaushambi (Formerly Allahabad).

Patti Parvezabad falls under the block Mooratganj in District Kaushambi. It is located at a distance of 10.3 km from its District HQ Kaushambi.

Nearby Villages are Rasulpur Badlai (1.1 km), Malak Nagar (2.1 km), Birauli (2.3 km), Jalalpur Boriya (2.4 km), Pansaur (2.8 km)

The latest update has its population of about 5436 persons living in around 883 households.
Patti Parvezabad comprises the entire village of Bada Gaon including its Muhalla Nazarganj and Mazra’a Asadullahganj both.

I have attached a pictorial map depicting the route supposing you are coming through GT Road via Mahgaon to Bada Gaon……. Here it is …….

I visited Bada Gaon and Nazarganj twice and both of these visits had a difference of few months. A cycle of crops had went by and new one was being harvested .During these visits I found it so soothing to indulge in the pure joy of relaxation and retreat to the cuddling arms of nature. Taking delight in the varying hues of the golden farming, the azure pond, the evergreen flora, the yellow fields, the earthen red mitti but at the same time these visits are eye-openers to the fact that India’s economic growth has so far largely failed to trickle down to the poorest members of the population. While Delhi and other Indian megacities have been visibly transformed in recent years, overall rates of poverty and malnourishment have remained stubbornly high in the rural areas of India.


Badagaon is one of the eight villages dominantly populated by Bukhari Naqvi Syeds of Pargrana Chail.

Please refer to my earlier posts wherein I had mentioned in detail about the arrival of  Qazi Husam-ud-din Bukhari of Parsakhi   at the time of Firoz Shah Tughlaq and how he defeated the rebellious chieftains in Parsakhi and Koh-Khiraj and also about the villages he received in reward from Firoz Tughlaq , how he divided it  amongst his eight sons.

In that distribution, his son Sayyid Muhammad Urf Bhure Miyan )received Bada Gaon as his share. He pitched his tent there and started living in Badagaon. It is difficult to visualize today how Sayyid Muhammad Sahib would have come here alongwith a small family with no friend or relative around 600 years ago.

When the first family came here to settle, the foremost requirement that must have came up was of a mosque therefore an old structure was modified to be used as a mosque in the eastern part of the village and that is today the Badi Masjid in Badagaon. Similarly for the need of Eid Prayers an Eid-Gaah was built on the western outskirts of the village. This Eid Gaah served as the main Eid Gaah for at least 8-10 villages in the environs till very recently.

We learn from Mirat'al Jalali that he had a son named Sayyid Naseerudin and two grandsons Sayyid Usman and Sayyid Yusuf. This Sayyid Yusuf is the ancestor of the entire stock of Sadat Bukhari originating from Badagaon & its muhalla Nazarganj. While Sayyid Usman moved to Kashia to take over his Uncle’s seat there.

The village is known throughout the district as Bada Gaon. It has an equally important Muhalla known as Nazarganj. Nazarganj is sometimes remembered for the strict adherence to their self-imposed rules about contraction of marriage and the resultant superfluous superiority complex about Nasab with which some of the families of Nazarganj have been suffering for a long time.

As for the revenue name of the village Patti Parvezabad, I went through all the paperwork available and noticed that there was no person with this name even not in any of the Shajra(s) then I went back into the history of Allahabad District and dared to take a liberty and assume that the village got this name during the Mughal regime in 17th Century AD considering the fact that Sultan Parvez (1590-1626) ,a brother of Emperor Shah Jahan served the Subah of Allahabad as its provincial governor for a very short time in the 17th century and it is not improbable that the village borrowed its name from him due to numerous reasons unclear to us today. My hunch is that either he or some other Mughal authority conferred upon a person of Badagaon the title of Chaudhari and the entire village was named as Patti Parvezabad. It should be noted that there was no Nazarganj at that point of time. This is also a reason that the entire nazarganj and few families in Badagaon are referred to as Chaudharis while the other ones do not use the title. Mirat’al Jalali reports that Parvezabad was named & founded by Qazi Muhammad Yusuf.

Families in Bada Gaon

Geneoligcally the Zamindars of Bada Gaon are Bukhari Sayyids of Naqvi Branch descended from Qazi Husam-ud-din Hasan Bukhari Kohi throgh his son Saiyid Muhammad Alias Bhure Miyan who came to Parsakhi in 1484 AD. Now look at the chart above. You would notice that in the later generation of Bhure Miyan Came Qazi Muhammad Yusuf who had two sons. One was Abdul Sattar and other one was Shahab-ud-Din. From Abdul Sattar is the entire Chaudhari clan of BadaGaon & Nazarganj because one of the member of this branch was conferred the title of Chaudhari during the Mughal period. Therefore a lot of people from Badagaon & Nazarganj are called Chaudharis. As for Shahab’ud’din, there has been a serious dispute and several views have been floating since long.

The first version is from the Chaudharis (Sadat Bukharis recorded in Mirat al Jalali) who say that Shahabuddin had no son and his line did not continue. Those who are residing in Badegaon (Purbahan) are not Bukhari Naqvi Sayyids rather they should be sheikh as our elders have not confirmed any other branch in Badegaon.They certainly have no proof in the form of any original / old written document or Shajra.

The other version is from a large clan living in Badegaon ( including Purbahan)  that Saiyid Shahabuddin did have two sons, Saiyid Rahmatullah Urf Badle Miyan and Saiyid Ashrafullah Urf Ashraf Miyan and that they all are descended from Saiyid Shahabuddin through these two sons.

We do not exactly know when this dispute arose but it came to the fore during the last century vehemently when the Nazarganj & Badagaon guys started asserting emphatically that the people residing in the east of the village (Called Purbahan) are not from their Shajra and are not Bukhari Naqvi Sayyids and thus not equal to their Nasab (and Nasbi Status ). When Saiyid Khaleel Ahmad Mendarvi came to collect the Shajra for his valuable book Mirat al Jalali , He too was confused with the claim of the non-chaudharis and the disapproval of the Chaudharis. He has recorded the same in his book as follows:-

In response to this confusion Saiyid Hakeemuddin from the non-Chaudhari group published a complete Shajra in 1908 refuting the claims of the Chaudharis. This Saiyid Hakeemuddin was a practical Sufi with the name Ikramullah Shah Khalili Chishti Safavi  and was a mureed from the Safipur (Unnao) Khanqah, his Shajrah shows that there indeed exist the other branch since centuries. Now in order to verify and check which version is correct we need to look into the facts carefully. Now as a third party observer I have to say as follows:

1. Both the families, the Chaudharis and the Non-Chaudharis are living in Badagaon since several centuries. Both of them accept this fact for each other. This means none of the two is a migrant family. It is well known that only Saiyyid Muhammad Urf Bhure Miyan was the first person to enter and settle in the village and only his progeny has been controlling and owning the village so far.......

2. If we check the Zamindari records, we find that the Non-Chaudharis havd owned almost equal and sometimes larger zamindari/shares than the Chaudharis.

3.  The rest of the Pargana Chail and their elders accept and accord the Non-Chaudharis the same status as they do for the Chaudharis. The entire Chail Zamindar fraternity have been marrying ceaselessly among the Non-Chaudharis & Chaudharis both without any discrimination.

4. This dispute is more vocal within the village boundaries only whereas outside , in the rest of Chail nobody makes any distinction between the two factions. The Chail Biradari recognises both the clans with the same respect and equal status.

5.  I saw the name of Badley Miyan in the Shajra of Hakeemuddin Sahib and this also confirms that they are here for long because there is a nearby village Badleypur that was founded and owned by the same family almost entirely. This also authenticates their Shajra.There is nearby village called Barrakatpur that was founded by Saiyid Barkat Ali from the same non-chaudhari family after his name. This also confirms that they were land-owners of some weight and status and are an established zamindar clan since long.

6. There is no answer to the question as to if the Purbahan or the Non-Chaudharis are not from the same Shajra then who are they and where did they come from????????  No one could provide me a convincing answer to this question either in oral or in the form of something written.

7. A legend says that once a headman of the non-chaudharis was confronted with a Buzurg with a condition that if he does a specific feat it was okay otherwise he should accept that he was a sheikh. The fable goes on to say that the Buzurg failed to accomplish the task and thus was termed as Shaikh for the rest of his life………so did his descendents but the fact remained that he was a Saiyid. Could this be a reason for a clan to term the one as Sheikhs ?

8. A fact which is not noticed generally is that in all the EIGHT villages populated by Bukhari Sadaat in Chail , no outsider family could enter, settle or make a place for themselves from the time of inception of the village. Few families have settled in Bukhari villages but those are just 100-150 years old and are well known as migrants.

9. The Purbahan guys do have a Shajra linking to Qazi Naseeruding with his son Shahabuddin. 

10. There is no doubt that there are some families in Badagaon (in purbahan ) who have lost their crediblity  owing to incongruous or unfitting marriages they contracted for the last 150-100 years and because of that they are not considered AT PAR in terms of Taharat-i-Nasab.

11. If a person marries outside the AT PAR familes , he does not go out of the Shajrah , he just contaminates his Nasab but not does not change his lineage. If your brother marries in a low-standing family outside the biradari then he does not go out of your shajra. He is still your brother. Marriages don't make your brother an ousider.

Keeping in view these facts , there is no reason to reject the view that whatever population is found in Bada Gaon known as the Zamindar Clan , be it chaudharis or non-chaudharis are from a same stem. It may be the contemporary rivalry or any other unknown reason that has been playing games with them for so long. Therefore it is the right time that we put our records straight ,accept the truths and reconcile ourselves with the facts otherwise it will destroy the unity, knowledge, character and the remnant of guts like it has ruined many families in several other places.

To conclude I can only say Wallahu Aalam Bis’Sawaab ! ( Only Allah swt knows the truth).


From the above it is clear that there are two major familes. Both claim to be Bukhari Saiyids but one are called Chaudharis while the other are non-chaudharis.  

The entire Nazarganj Muhalla along with families based at Masjid per in BadaGaon are Sadat Bukharis known as Chaudharis duly recorded in Mirat’al Jalali by Saiyid Khaleel Ahmad Mendarvi in 1918.

The Non-Chaudharis live in Bada Gaon only. For example some in Mohalla Uncha and some in Purbahan etc are populated by non-Chaudharis. They also insist on being a Saiyid Bukhari descended from the Brother of Abdul Sattar. There is a family at Mahal as well.


In the Muhalla Masjid at Bada Gaon , lived the descendents of Saiyid Abdul Hai (as mentioned above in the chart) . From Abdul hai -> Hidayatullah->Husamuddin->Ghualm Makhdoom->Jan Bakhsh .  From Jan Bakhsh are the following families who are in Bada Gaon and abroad that represent the Chaudharis of Bada Gaon

The descendents of Saiyid Abdul Hai  In Bada Gaon 
  • Mukhtar Ahmad whose sons are Ansar Ahmad and Izhar Ahmad, From Ansar Ahmad are Raees, Azeez and Zameer Ahmad.
  • Chaudhary Nafees Ahmad and Khaleeq Ahmad , Ch. Nafees had  Ahmed Syed , Akhtar Nafees ( Farhat) , Rasheed Ahmed ( Sarwat ), Faseeh Ahmed while Ch. Khaleeq had Farooq Ahmad, Mashooq & Usman Ahmad.
  • Mukhtar Ahmad whose sons are Anees Ahmad, Niyaz & Maqbool.
  • Muhammad Akbar whose sons are Mohammad Owais, Mohammad Zafar and M. Zaid etc.
  • Muhammad Jameel whose sons are Muhammad Shakeel & M.Aqeel.
The descendents of Saiyid Muhammad Swalih in Bada Gaon
  • Sana ul Haq and Muin ul Haq , Faizan ul Haq & Aijaz Ahmad s/o Faiyaz ul Haq Sahiban
  • Asrar Ahmad, Abrar Ahmad, Ahmad Mustafa , Faizan’ul’Haq, Jalaluddin Haidar , Muizuddin Sb family
  • Iqbal Husain and Maqbool Husain ,Azeezul Haq, Hisamul Haq
  • Ausaf Ahmad, Shoaib Ahmad  sons of Akbar Husain.
  • Ths sons of Salamuddin.

Non Chaudharis in Bada Gaon ( Purbahan )

As informed earlier the Non-Chaudharis claim to be descended from Shahabuddin who had a famous son called Ibadullah Urf badle Miyan who founded the village Badleypur. From Ibadullah came Mohammad Zahid then Mohammad Aabid then Ali Uddin then Muhammad Ali and then Muhammad Aashiq who had two sons. Nasir Ali and Muhammad Ali Urf Bhoj Miyan.From these are descended the entire Non-Chaudharis or the Purbahan.

I.Nasir Ali had  Saad Ali and Saad Ali had five sons whose line have went on 

1.Ghulam nabi, 2.Muzaffar Ali, 3.Imam Ali, 4.Ashraf Ali,5.Khairat Ali

1-From the line of Ghulam Nabi came Ghulam Abbas, Jameeluddin, Aulia Bakhsh. From Ghulam Abbas came Mohd Ishaq,M.Ilyas and Mohd Arab ,Ishaq had Mushtaq and Akhlaq Ahmad whose descendents are in Pak Shoaib Ahmad, Mumtaz Ahmad Ansar Ahmad, Idris and Owais Ahmad. From Jameeluddin came Hakeemuddin, Imaduddin, Naeemuddin, Ruknuddin. From hakeemuddin are Azeemudin and then Aijazuddin (GM, PSO), Azeezuddin (Dir PSM) and Muizuddin. From Imaduddin are Sami Uddin and Zafaruddin. Samiuddin had Saifuddin, Ziauddin and Salahuddin while Zafaruddin had Maqsood Ahmad, Mahfooz Ahmad Urf Muslim, Maktoob Ahmad, Rasheed Ahmad Rassan Bukhari in Pak and Mansoob Ahmad Dunne . Dunne have Zafar Ahmad Urf Hashmi and Masroor Ahmad in Allahabad.

From Naeemuddin cam Abi Ahmad and Nabi Ahmad, Abi Ahmad had Hamid & Mahmood.Now in turn Nabi Ahmed had Ausaf Ahmed (Chief Engineer),Dr.Tausif Ahmed,Naseem Ahmed,Aftab Ahmed and Suroor Ahmed and Abi Ahmed had Mahmood Abi and Hamid Abi.Professor Dr. Talat is daughter of Nabi Ahmed.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
Dr.Tauseef Hashmi

From Ruknuddin came Wali Ahmad and then Iftikhar Ahmad and then Iftikhar had Ishtiyaq, Iqtidar, Mushtaq, Waqar and Ammar Ahmad.

2.From the line of Muzaffar Ali - Muzaffar Ali had Qamaruddin (Lawalad) and Fakhruddin and now Fakhruddin had Maqbool Ahmad Achchan , Abu Ahmad, Muslehuddin whose descendents are both in India & Pak such as Aijaz Ahmad , Mukhtar Ahmad and Masroor Ahmad s/o Maqbool Ahmad Achchan. Ishtiyaq Ahmad s/o Abu Ahmad whose son is Khurram & Muazzam Ishtiyaq. Shahid Aijaz , Malik Aijaz and Qaisar Aijaz in Badegaon are sons of Aijaz Ahmad. While Mukhtar Ahmad son of Aijaz Ahmad have Waris, Asif , Tariq and Khalid Mukhtar. Muslehuddin had Imitaz Ahmad. Maqbool Ahmad had Masroor & Mansoor.

3. From the line of Imam Ali  were Muhammad Ali and then Siddiq Ahmad, Ishtiyaq Ahmad, Shabbir ali etc. Siddiq had Aqeel, Adeel , fazeel etc while Shabbir Had Haseen , mubeen and Mateen Ahmad.

4.From the line of Ashraf Ali were Qasim Ali then Lutf Ahmad and Azeemullah. Today Saleem Ullah , Ehsan Ullah are from this line.

Irfan Ahmad Shera in Bharwari
5.From the line of Khairat Ali had Imdad Ali he had Abdul Ghafoor and Abdul Ghani. Then came Afzal , Iqbal, Fazal, Maqbool Ahmad s/o Muh. Yusuf  s/o Abdul Ghani. Today Irfan Ahmad shera  ,  Zafar ul Isalm , Absar , Nisar and Nihal s/o Iqbal + Owais, Nafees and Bilal s/o Fazal , Mansoor & mansood s/o Maqbool Ahmad represent this family. Maqbool Ahmad Urf Bachchan Baba is reputed to be a Majzoob who was a disciple of Nange Shah Baba of Kanpur. Bachchan Baba's mazar is at Bharwari.

II.Bhoj Miyan had 1.Ameer AliIbadullahBadruzzamanShamsher Ali. Only Ameer Ali’s line went on he had Nazeer ali, Wajid Ali and Barkat Ali.

From Ameer Ali’s line came 1.Barkat Ali, 2.Wajid Ali, 3.Mangroo Miyan , 4.Nazeer Ali.

1.From Barkat Ali are Mahmood Ahmad s/o Ansar Ahmad,

2.From Wajid Ali came Mohsin Ali and then Wakeel Uddin & Ali Ahmad.From Wakeel uddin came Mashooq Ahmad, Ameer Ahmad, Haji Shabbir Ahmad, Laeeq Ahmad, Khaleeq, Matloob, Aqeeq and Shafeeq Ahmad.  Haji Shabbir had Nafees Ahmad.Shafeeq had Raees Ahmad, Tufail Ahmad, Er.Mansoob Ahmad. Ameer Ahmad had Dr. Hasan Ahmad & Zafar Ameer. Laeeq had Zubair Ahmad & uzair Ahmad. Aqeeq Ahmad had Rashid Jawed who is a teacher; Khaleeq Ahmad had Mohd Swaleh while Matloob Ahmad have Sajid, Shahid, Asif etc.

From Ali Ahmad’s line are Anees Ahmad and Qubool Ahmad , Qubool had Ammar, Zurar, Iqtidar , Waqar etc while Anees Ahmad had Qawi Ahmad and Afroz Ahmad.

3.From Nazeer Ali came Paighambar Baksh and then Abdul Rahman and Abdul Sattar, From Abdul Rahman came Abdul Jabbar then Abdul Quddoos. From Abdul Sattar came Sagheer Ahmad and Abdul Mannan. From Sagheer Ahmad are Fazal , Aafaq, Farooq, Suhali & Sohaib Ahmad while Abdul Mannan had Zafar ul Islam, Fakhrul Islam and Noor islam.


Mahal & Family of Mahal

There are more masonry houses in Badagaon in comparison with Nazarganj and most of them are in good condition. The residence complexes of Chaudhari Nafees and Khaleeq are in fine condition. Also in Purbahan there are a lot of newly constructed houses looking fine but the most striking structure in BadeGaon is the one at the entrance of the village.

When you enter the village Bada Gaon, on the left is a housing complex with a huge gateway called Mahal. This was originally built by Inspector Ishaq Ahmad in 1909 (1327 Hijri) whose sons wee Mushtaq Ahmad and Akhlaq Ahmad. The descendants of both migrated to Pak as mentioned above. Therefore the house was handed over to a branch of the same family namely the family of Zafaruddin Sahib. Zafaruddin was the paternal cousin as well as the brother-in-law of Mushtaq & Ekhlaq Sb.  Zafaruddin was married secondly to the daughter of Syed Hashmat Ali of Kashia (Father of Raunaq  Ali & Sifat Ahmad) and from him came Mansoob Ahmad Alias Dunne (Police), Rasheed Ahmad Urf Rassan Bukhari in Pak, Mahfooz Ahmad Urf Muslim( in Dehradun) , Maktoob Ahmad and Maqsood Ahmad. Today a son of Mansoob Ahmad namely Zafar Ahmad Urf Hashmi lives on singularly in the large house. Fakhar Ahmad in Kuwait represents the same family.

Eid Gaah

On the western outskirts of the village is located the Eid-Gaah. It was originally built at the time Saiyid Muhammad Urf Bhure Miyan 600 years ago but in 1934 it was reconstructed with the help of the villagers.

In front of the gate of Eid Gaah , we could see three or four masonry graves built three / four hundred years ago and these are the graves of Nazar Muhammad and Faiz Muhammad Sahiban.

Khinni Bagh

There are four trees of Khinni (Manilkara Hexandra) undoubtedly hundreds of year old on the north eastern part of Eid Gaah.One very interesting fact about this area is that in the olden times all the Baraat (marriage Party) used to be welcomed here and even the nikah would take place under the Khinni Tree for a long time. Upon enquiry it transpires that the space around the Khinni tree was plain and vast besides it gave a very good view near the Eidgaah. So the custom went on for long till as late as 1950 when it was treated as the main Janwas and place for Nikah.


Chaudhary Nafees Marhoom 
In Badagaon the most famous person of the last century was Chaudhary Nafees Ahmad. He was actively involved in politics throughout his life. First he was associated with Muslim League in pre-partition era but after the partition he changed his heart and aligned himself with Muzaffar Hasan Marhoom ( Ex. Minister ) of Yayhapur to work for Congress. He had a clout and influence that no-one could generate so far in Bada Gaon. Photograph Attached.

Haji Shabbir Ahmad Marhoom
Haji Shabbir Ahmad  - Haji Shabbir Ahmad s/o Janab Wakeeluddin was one of the most well known persons of Bada Gaon during the last century. He had served the UP Police as Sub-Inspector and after the partition of the country, he was elected the Pradhan of the village un-opposed. The remarkable feature about his tenure is he remained the Pradhan of the village form 1948 to 1988 which is something quite surprising , keeping in view the local + regional politics of the province. It also tells of the demeanor and attitude of the gentlemen and the recognition and popularity he acquired among his fellow villagers.He is reputedly the first Haji of Badagaon in this century as he is reported to have performed Haj in the year1953. His son Nafees Ahmad migrated to Pak and his sons Ehsaan, Akhtar and Asad are still there.Haji Sahib passed away in 1992.His Photograph is on the left. (Courtesy : Nazia Safi)

Professor (Late) Anwar Siddiqui was an famous Urdu writer and English scholar, who, under the guidance of late Dr Zakir Husain and Prof Abid Husain, rendered valuable services to Jamia Millia Islamia,. He was head of the department of English and also Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Languages in Jamia Millia and retired in 1997. He had also undertaken critical and research work on the poetry of Faani Badayuni.He died in Allahabad on 21 April 2005. He belonged to Bada Gaon.

Dr.Zafar Khursheed a lecturer in the Dept of Commerce in the University of Allahabad,is also from Bada Gaon.


Badegaon people had large zamindari 150 years ago and had the title of Chaudhari from the Mughal Government. However after the 1857 debacle, they lost almost entire zamindari except few shares that  plus the ones they could purchase in the later period.

For example the largest zamindari during the last from 1880-1950 were with the families of Imaduddin ( the family of Dunne Miyan)  and Wakeeluddin ( The family of Shafeeq Ahmad, Ameer Ahmad etc )who had shares in Badlepur, Barkatpur, Barahmeem Bagh, Siriyawan, Balihiyawan, Naugira , Bhikampur  etc apart from share in the village.The other major landholder was the family of Chaudhari Nafees Ahmad son of Aulia Bakhsh who had large shares Badagaon and several other villages around.

Migration in Bada Gaon

A family of Mahgaon is settled in Badagaon – Janab Mohammad Yaqub son of Ghulam Jeelani of Nalapar Mahgaon migrated to look after his maternal property. He built a house and settled in Bade Gaon. His sons Mohammad Muhyi (Laade) Mohammad Wahi (Gorey) in Bhopal are quite well known.

The family of Hakeem Iqbal came from Mahgaon to look after their maternal property. His sons are  are Jameel Alam , Tauqeer Alam, Tanveer Alam etc in Bada Gaon.

The family of Janab Wazeeruddin is also from Mahgaon – from him are Islam Nabi, Irfan Nabi etc

Off-Shoots of Bada Gaon
The most important chapter of migration from Badagaon is the case of Rasoolpur Qazi , a village who is a branch of Bada Gaon Chaudharis ( Masjid Per ). I have written it in detail in the following pages.On a recent note ,a family of Afzal Ahmad of Bada Gaon had settled in Mahgaon whose son is Qamar Ahmad in Allahabad.



The Pond in Nazar Ganj
Children catching fish in the pond
The mazar of Qazi Muhammad Yusuf & family overlooking the Pond
Another enclosure for graves outside the village
Broken Mazar 
Nazar Ganj
Saeed Ahmad Jailor's House
Saeed Ahmad's magnificent house in Nazarganj
Another view 
Houses in Nazarganj
The forlorn Baithaka ( now goats tread here)
Inside view of Ehsan Bhai's house (Nazarganj)
Hens & Ducks beside the pond looking for .........
A view of The pond in Nazarganj

Nazarganj view
Locate the 2 kids in this pic 
Nazarganj near the Masjid
the inscription of Mosque 1332 Hijri ( 100 years ago)
Mosque in Nazarganj
With Mahmood Ahmad & Ehsan Bhai

Another view of Mosque in Nazarganj
Time to depart !
In Nazarganj  ( In Rapt attention )
In Nazarganj with Akhtar Saeed, Ehsan Bhai and others

Nazarganj is a muhalla of the village BadaGaon, it also comes under the revenue name Patti Parvezabad. It was founded by Janab  Nazar Muhammad, 14th in descent from Qazi Naseerudin. He founded the a new muhalla, shifted few houses from south to the side of the pond and named it Nazarganj after himself. The work-force of all trades was inhabited there and few people indicate that Nazar Muhammad Sahib’s house was the one which was Mr.Aqeel Ahmad owned in recent past.

If we go back to history we find that Qazi Mohammad Yusuf, the grand-son of Qazi Naseeruddin Urf Bhure Miyan got a large pond dug for the want of water for the daily use as well as for the irrigation purpose in the village. When the pond was dug, large amount of the clay & mud got dumped and it formed a kind of hill from all the four sides and was known as Bheeta. When Qazi Yusuf left this world, he was laid down to rest on the western mound of the same pond and that place came to be known as “Qazi Yusuf ka Dher”, a few of his descendents are buried there alongwith Qazi Yusuf Sahib Rah.

The people of nazarganj were known to be quite lively, zesty, effervescent people in the past but during the last century they have lost the vivacity due to heave loss in the form of people leaving the place in the wake of r Partition of county coupled with abolition of Zamindari in 1952. Very few could compete in the racing life and the rest of them fell back relying on the ancestral lands. Today when I visited Nazarganj I found only few houses really inhabited while most of them are in the City of Allahabad or abroad. I was warmly welcomed by Mahmood Ahmad Sahib, Akhtar Saeed Sahib, Rasheed Ahmad Sahib. Ehsaan Ahmad Sahib etc and they all owe thanks from me.

The Bukhari Sadat in Nazarganj 

The descendents of Nazar Muhammad s/o Jaan-i-Alam
  • Rafiullah and his sons Khaleeq Ahmad and Raees Ahmad ,Khaleeq have Rasheed Ahmad while Raees had Saleem and Naseem Ahmad
  • Abdul Wahhab and his sons Tajammul hUsain , Muzzammil Husain and M.Athar. Muzzamil had Iftekhar Husain who had Aafaq and Rafeeq who have Ishtiyaq Ahmad as sons. while M. Athar had Niyaz Ahmad and he had two sons Ehsaan Ahmad and Mahmood Ahmad.
  • Abdul Rasheed had Muslehuddin who had Misbahuddin and Abdul Salam
  • Mohammad Ishaq who had Ain-ul-Yaqeen who had ameeruddin who had Ziauddin and Ahmaduddin
  • Abdul Razzaq hwo had Abdul Ghani and M.Faiz ,Abdul Ghani had Junaid Alam & Mansoor Alam while Muhammad Faiz had Fazal-ur-Rahman who had Mujeeb , Qubool and Altafurrahman.
  • Meeran Bakhsh had Faiyaz Ahmad and Siddeeq Ahmad, Faiyaz had Rasool Ahmad and he had Maqbool Ahmad at Bajaha. Siddeeq Ahmad had Nisar and Niyaz Ahmad, Nisar had imtiyaz Ahmad while Niyaz had Masood and Kamal Ahmad, Jamal ,Afzal , Iqbal etc…..
  • Chaudhary Asghar Ali had one son Fakhruddin who had no son. The editor of the revised Mirat al Jalali had made a major mistake by adding the names of Kuresar family as Fakhruddin’s descdendents who are their maternals place (Nanihal) in Nazarganj. Shall give details below.
  • Ikramuddin had Mohammad Arab, Ruknuddin,Hameedudin. M.Arab had Hakeem Tameezuddin who had Zaheeruddin, Muinuddin, Haroon etc….Qamar-ul-islam and Shams-ul-Islam are grand sons of Arab Sahib. Ruknuddin had Sami’uddin who had Qayamuddin and Saeed Ahmad.Hamiduddin had Wasi Ahmad and Raees Ahmad. Wasi Ahmad had Iqbal Ahmad.
  • Shahabudddin had Wakeel Ahmad,Mukhtar Ahmad and Husamuddin. Wakeel Ahmad had Faiyaz, Basheer and Afzal Ahmad, Mukhtar Ahmad had Matloob Ahmad who had Mashkoor & Mahfooz. Husamuddin had Abrar & Maqbool Ahmad & Anwaar Ahmad. Abrar had Iqbal Ahmad, Maqbool have Ekhlaq and Afzaal Ahmad while Anwaar had Rizwan Ahmad.
The descendents of Faiz Muhammad s/o Jaan-i-Alam
  • Saiyid Abdul Rab Inspector and his sons, Haseeb Ahmad, Nafees Ahmad (London), Lateef Ahmad and Saeed Ahmad ( Retd. Suptdt of Jails UP
  • Basheer Ahmad and his son Tameez Ahmad and his sons Mujeeb , Mahboob and Altaf Ahmad
  • Wazeer Ahmad and his sons , Wasi Ahmad, Manzoor Ahmad and Riyaz Ahmad and their sons.Manzoor had Asfaque, Shakeel, Maroof and Shameem.while Wasi Ahmad had Maqbool Ahmad, Riyaz Ahmad had owais ahmad and Junaid Ahmad
  • Shabbir Ahmad and his sons, Haseen and Anees Ahmad
  • Zameer Ahmad and his sons, Azeez, Naseem, Mujeeb and Zaheer Ahmad.
  • Ameer Ahmad and his son Chaudhary Shafee Ahmad and his sons Safwan and Zakwan Ahmad.
  • Qutubuddin and his sons,Abdul Qadeer, Mazhar Husain, Abdul Hakeem and Abdul Muheet,AbdulQadeer had Habeeb and Waheed (Habeeb Ahmad have Jawaid,Qamar,zafar,azher,mazher ) while, Mazhar Husain had M.Ameen then Aal-i-Nabi and he had Shafeeq and Khushnood. Abdul Hakeem had Tufail Ahmad and he had Khwaja Ahmad, Khizr Muhammad, Maqsood Ahmad, Abdul Muheet had Ansar, Anwaar and Lateef Ahmad.
  • Abdul Qayyum and his son Muhiuddin and his sons, Abrar & Sarfaraz Ahmad.

A Brahmin connection ! 

Nazar Muhammad Sahib seems to be an interestingly dynamic person. Apart from founding a new locality, he contracted a marriage into a Brahmin family of Jaleelpur (a village nearby). The girl’s name was Rambuli Bibi.  Besides the loads of grains as gift for marriage, the Brahman gave him 56 beegha of land as Jahez to Nazar Muhammad. Till very recently the descendents of Nazar Muahmmad owned and enjoyed the proceeds from the lands in Jaleelpur. Unfortunately the Brahmin lady had no issue and reportedly at the death-bed she took a promise from Nazar Muhammad to ask all his children from the other wife to commemorate her by calling themselves as Brahmanzada (descendents of Brahman). The editor of Mirat al Jalali exhorts the Saiyids of Nazarganj not to forget the promise of Nazar Muhammad Sahib.     ( See Mirat al Jalali P.95 Editor Aftaab Ahmad Bukhari, Karachi)


The mosque in Bada Gaon was the only mosque in the entire village and thus served as the Jama’ Masjid for the population of Badagaon & Nazarganj both. People used to go to Badagaon for regular Salat as well as for the Juma Salat but in 1332 AH (1914 AD) Abdul Raoof Sahib of Nazarganj built a mosque in Nazarganj facilitating the people of Nazarganj to offer the regular Salat there but for Juma Salat  Nazarganj guys still used to visit the Badegaon mosque.It was around 1940-41 that the elders of Nazarganj decided that the village fulfills the condition laid down by the Shariah for a village to have a Jam’aa Masjid and therefore Juma started in Nazarganj thereon.


In Nazarganj the most outstanding building is built by Sayyid Abdul Rab Kotwal whose son was Sayyid Saeed Ahmad Jailor which has 29 windows and 32 doors and is really a sturdy structure. There are other beautiful mud houses that remind us of the yesteryears and make us nostalgic.........

Persons - Nazarganj

Abdul Rab son of Syed Rahamuddin was a Kotwal in the British period and enormously famous figure of Nazarganj who built a fine masonry house with 38 windows and 40 doors that stands in front of the mosque as it is. It was built with Gur,Urad, Moong mixed with mortar. His son was Saeed Ahmad Warsi a superintendent of jails and their sons are akhtar Saeed etc.

During the last century every house in Nazarganj had one or two Daroghas serving in UP Police for example Wazeer Ahmd, Abdul Qayyum, Mohammad Ilyas. Mohammad Siddeeq, Mohammad Fayyaz, Abdul Rab all served the police department as Inspectors or above.

Saiyid Saeed Ahmad was a Superintedent of Jails in UP Police.

Khursheed Ahmad Bukhari was a DSP, Junaid Ahmad was also a jailor, Abdul Latif was a Subadar.

Khursheed Ahmad  from Nazarganj was one of the most versatile athletes of India, who excelled in three disciplines, javelin throw, decathlon and pole-vault, a very unusual combination ever.Khurshid Ahmed was a prodigal talent who won the national title for the javelin throw to begin his sports carreer and  stood 2nd in the National Games in 1951 in pole vault.At the first Asian Games in Delhi (1951) he took part in decathlaon and surprised his critics by winning Bronze. Unfortunately we forgot him soon.

Hakeem Tameezuddin was a well known Hakeem of Nazarganj.

Dr Zakwan Ahmed (Born 1959) son of Chaudhary Shafi Ahmad of Nazarganj has achieved a distinguished positon with regards to the Agricultural research in India. Today he is serving as Director, Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory (DRDO) ,Pithoragarh.Dr Zakwan Ahmed did his M.Sc. (Agriculture) and Ph.D from GBPUA&T, Pantnagar (Uttranchal) and secured first position in University (Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar) in Graduation. He is serving in Defence Research & Development Organisation since last 20 years. Dr Zakwan Ahmed contributed significantly toward varietal/ hybrid development in vegetables including infrastructure development during his tenure in DARL, Pithoragarh.

He had also contributed in establishment of Agriculture training centre of DARL at GRTU Raiwala in 1990 and successfully demonstrated agro-technology at RCI Hyderabad and provided arboriculture layout plan for ARC of DMRL, Hyderabad during his tenure in RCI Hyderabad. It is because of his persistent efforts that seabuckthorn herbal beverage and DRDO herbal tea could be inducted in high altitude special ration of army

Dr Ahmed, to his credit has 50 research papers in National and  International journals, 06 chapters in books, 02 books and 07 technical bulletins. He has been awarded Laboratory Scientist of the year award 2004, Certificate of Honour of GOC, 14 Corps-2005, DRDO scientist of the year award –2006, Bioved scientist of the year award-2007 and he has also been honoured honorary Fellowship (FRSCS) of the Royal Society of Crop Science-2007. He visited China and presented research paper in the 2nd International Seabuckthorn Association Conference during 26-29th August 2005. At present he is actively engaged as a programme Director of DRDO-Army Biodiesel Programme

Kausar Siddiqui a famous Urdu Litterateur was born in Nazarganj on November 19, 1934 Education: BA, LLB. Retired as general manager, Civil Supplies Corporation, presently based at Bhopal. His biggest service to Urdu is that he is editing and publishing quarterly Karwan-e-Adab since 2001. He belongs to a different family settled in Qaziyan Muhalla of Nazarganj whose ancestors came here 150 years ago.

Books: Phool Ek Hi Chaman ke,Taj-ul-Masaajid Ki Kahani,Faseel-e-Shab,Saaz-e-Jaras,Nala-e-Jaras,Jeb-Mein-Pathhar,Mauj-e-Subu,Aag,E’triraf,Raushan Ayat,Haryali, Urdu Pujari,Dhaai Aakhar,Mauj-e-Gul.He has also visited London and Pakistan in connection with regards to Urdu literary activities. A student has been awarded PhD by Barkatullah University, Bhopal for research on him. He is one of the well know figures in Urdu Circle of Bhopal. He is the brother of Qaisar-ul-Jaffri and father of Rumi Jaffry, A down-to-earth person who has no air about his achievements. 

Maulvi Akhtar Ahmad Marhoom was a famous Ba-amal Aalim of Nazarganj and he tool hailed from the same Qaziyan Muhalla of Nazarganj.

Qaisar ul Jafri

a famous poet of Urdu who was actively invlolved in the film industry in Bombay was not from Mahgaon rather belonged to the same Qaziyan family of Nazarganj. He was the son of Sagheer Ahmad and a brother of Kausar Siddiqui of Bhopal. Few of his ghazals are considered to be the most popular ghazals sung in our times. Few of his ghazals are as follows

1-tumhaare shahar kaa mausam ba.Daa suhaanaa lage
mai.n ek shaam churaa luuN agar buraa na lage

2-ham tere shahar mein aaye hain musaafir kii tarah 
sirf ek baar mulaaqaat kaa mauqaa de de

3-diivaaron se mil kar ronaa achchhaa lagataa hai
ham bhii paagal ho jaayenge aisaa lagataa hai 

Rumi Jaffri – He is the son of Kausar Siddiqi s/o Sagheer Ahmad of Qaziyan , Nazarganj presently based at Bhopal. He has to his credit at least 40 films as a screen writer, dialogue writer and director for a few. He is still in Mumbai pursuing his career vehemently.


In Nazarganaj all were zamindars but with scanty shares and the only one outstanding was Chaudhari Shafee Ahmad Urf Saffan who was the moderately big zamindar of Nazarganj.

Kuresar family In Nazarganj

150 years ago there was a gentleman named Chaudhari Asghar Ali in Nazarganj who had five daughters and a son Fakhruddin who died without an issue. One of the daughters of Asghar Ali was married to Tajammul Husain of Kuresar,(Across the Ganges )in Pargana Nawabganj. Her descendents migrated to Nazarganj to look after the property they inherited from their mother. From Kuresear came Fareeduddin and his son was Inspector Zameeruddin and his sons are Idris Ahmad, Aftab Ahmad in India, Hasnain and Sibtain in Pakistan. They are from Kuresar in Gangapar ( Across Ganges ) and not from Nazarganj.

Mistakes in Shajra

i. The editor of the revised Mirat’al Jalali Mr.Aftab Ahmad Bukhari had made a blunder by adding the names of Kuresar family to the son of Fakhruddin above mentioned and thus inserted this Kuresar family into the family of Nazarganj. I believe this is an inadvertent mistake and Allaah is All-forgiving.

ii. The names of the sons of Chaudhary Mohammad Raza (Beur) & their descendents are not updated & missing in the shajra.

Off-Shoots of Nazarganj

Sikandarpur Bajaha

Saiyid Habeeb Ahmad of Sikandarpur Bajaha In US
A branch of Nazarganj family was settled in Sikandarpur Bajaha, a village near Imamganj and Mahgaon on the GT Road. This family migrated to Pakistan after partition and today their descendents are found in Pak and US both. The last representative of this Bajaha family was Jb. Rasool Ahmad s/o Faiyyaz Ahmad of Nazarganj who was married in Mahgaon. His son Maqbool Ahmad was married into the Hashmi family of Neem Sarai.

The sons of Maqbool Ahmad of Bajaha are Habeeb AhmadRasheed Ahmad and Mahboob Ahmad who are settled in Pakistan. Habib Ahmad has moved to US. His photograph is given here.

Rasoolpur Biyur/Beur

A family from the Chaudharis of Nazarganj had moved to Biyur 150 years ago to look after the property they inherited from their maternals. Chaudhari Dildar Husain of Beur had no son but a daughter who was married to Chaudhari Muhammad Raza of Nazarganj. Chaudhari Raza had to leave Nazarganj in order to look after the property of his in-laws and finally he settled in Beur. His descendents are still found in Beur and Pakistan. Chaudhari Muahammad Raza had four sons, Fazal AhmadFazal RabShakoor Ahmad and Ashfaq Ahmad.

Now Fazal Ahmad had two daughters without a son. Fazal Rab had Saeed Ahmad and Saeed Ahmad had Muhammad Ahmad who sons ParvezRaghib and Rashid live in Beur today. Similary Shakoor Ahmad had Ghani Ahmad and Ansar Ahmad who sons Shoaib, Qasim, Ismail and Irshad are in Beur. Ashfaq Ahmad Had Iftikhar Ahmad & MAshooq Ahmad. Iftikhar’s are Aijaz, Anwar and Taufeeq while Ghani Ahmad and Mashooq Ahmad migrated to Pak.

Hamre Barabar Kauno Nahi Na !

I had heard about the overweening obsession of some families in Pargana Chail with respect to their Nasab and the climax or epitome of this fantasy is considered to be few families in Nazarganj. This obsession is typically uttered as Hamre barabar ke hain kaa ?? Hamre barabar kauno nahi na ?   Please do not ask what do they mean by Barabar.

There is no doubt that the people of Nazarganj took great care in contracting marriages so that their blood-line remains intact un-adulterated. To that extent it was fine as one of the foundations of a healthy and civilized society is the requirement of  well-bred people with sound character which stems from their being in the line of lawful and valid family origin.However by and by this too much of care converted into an obsession and then became a mania and today may be termed as a psychological problem.  Anyone outside their own relations was/is looked down upon , laughed at in their gatherings and was/is a butt of supercilious point.  This kind of attitude certainly stems from the utter lack of knowledge about the correct islamic stand on Kufw and ignorance from the real Mansha of Shariah about Nasab.

I don’t know how and when these people got infected with this un-islamic and Brahmanical tradition that no one was equal to them but I had an interesting affirmation of this obsession when on  8th April 2012, I was into a discussion with a gentlemen of Nazarganj in the city of Allahabad, when he told me categorically in front of two of my colleagues that Peepalgaon ke log sahih nahi hain, matlab inka nasab theek nahi hai, Rohi ke log bhi barabar ke nahi hain,han mahgaon mein kuchh hain magar zyadatar aise hi on............My Companions were aghast to listen such words from an educated & elderly person but the fact is that this has become a psychological problem with these guys.

I had to interrupt him by saying that I do not want to discuss with him the origin and lineage of the Chaili families for I know it much better than him. I further said that " I know very well that you people are from Jannat and the rest of the Chailis are from Jahannum" but what I wanted to discuss with him was the history of the village Nazarganaj and not the lineage of others.

The same night I was flipping through the pages of “Aqwal Hadhrat Ali” when my eyes stuck upon one.

Jiska amal use piche hata de usey Hasab o Nasab Aage nahi badha sakta. ( Hadhrat Ali)
Your high lineage won’t help you when your actions have brought you down

Had we tried to save and protect our true Character and the Akhlaq-i-Muhammadi in our lives instead of saving our Nasab, we would have produced people with  much better moral character than what we have today ? We lost all the original traits, character, ethics of our ancestors, we have even lost our physical beauty and built as well at the cost of maintaining our Nasab ?? Deen has gone but Nasab is intact !  Character has gone but Nasab is very much here. Akhlaq cannot be found but Nasab is found !

Does it hold any weight in the eyes of our Lord ? Or will it save us from the fire on the last day ? 

But I won’t let you have a dark picture , the fact is that today generation of Bada Gaon & Nazraganj are striving hard to get out of the marsh and fly into the new horizon. I met few young chaps that seem to be of promising talent and will surely make a mark in the time to come. In sha Allah.


Rasoolpur Qazi ( A branch of Bada Gaon)

Rasoolpur Qazi ( A Branch of Bada Gaon)
Banana Production was started by Mr.Zafar of Rasoolpur
Masjid of Rasoolpur Qazi
Beautiful Clean pond in Rasoolpur Qazi
The lush green fields !
Rasoolpur Qazi

Out of all the villages that the Chaudharis of Bada Gaon held in Zamindari , two villages  were situated a bit off from the main village plus they had the advantage of being close to the Grand Trunk Road namely Makhdoompur Qazi & Rasoolpur Qazi. Around 200 years ago, a branch of the BadaGaon Syeds shifted to Rasoolpur Qazi in order to look after the zamindari more closely. 

Syed Abul Hayi son of Syed Ghulam Alam shifted to Rasoolpur Qazi .He built a house and laid down the foundation of a mosque. Since then their descendants have developed it into a complete village with a good Standing. His descendants flourished there and built several houses and expanded their farming;Rasoolpur Qazi is mainly known to be in two parts one is the main village and other one is called Purwah which is inside the village. Syed Abdul Hayi had five sons , see the chart below

Nawab Hasan from the above chart had two sons Wasiullah and Safiullah and here onwards Wasiullah had Masihullah , Ziaullah, Moeezullah and Aneesullah - Now Masihullah had Syed M. Ayub and Syed Zafar Iqbal while Muizullah had Syed Yasin and Maulana M Farooq and Syed M Yamin & Syed Maroof___Syed Yasin had SM Ammar Raza and Shakeeb Raza. Syed Aneesullah had also two sons. Syed M Ayub have Syed M. Khalid & Syed M. Tariq ______________ Rajab Ali from above had Husain Bakhsh , Akbar Ali and Asghar Ali ( No Issue ) , Now Husain Bakhsh had Fakhruddin , Qamaruddin and Nizamuddin and Akbar Ali had Abdul Lateef and Abdullah___ Fakhruddin in turn have Kamaluddin, Husamuddin and Shihabuddin while Qamaruddin had  Sakina bibi only and here Wasiuddin had Zafaruddin who had Noorullah, Mohammad Sufi , Shahid , Rizwan and Imran.

Abdul Lateef had three sons,  Abdul Azeez , Hafiz Abdul Majeed and Abdul Shaheed. Now Abdul Azeez had Amanul Haq who had Abdul Qawi.  Hafiz Abdul Majeed had Abdul Haqeeq , Abdul Shafeeq , Abdul Rafeeq and Abdul Waheed , Now Abdul Haqeeq had Raees Ahmad who had Nadeem and Waseem two sons, Abdul Shafeeq had Mohammad Firoz , Rashid and Mohammad Salman.___Now Firoz sahib have Adeeb Firoz and Rashid Sb have Ariz & Shariq while Syed M. Salman have Farman , Farzan and Mizan.

Abdul Rafeeq had Syed Mohammad Haroon , Mohammad Shoeb and Mohammad Zafar while Abdul Waheed had Zubair Ahmad ( Kanpur ) who has Farrukh Zubair Pasha. Now Haroon Sahib have Saqib & Sharib while Shoeb Sahib have Adnan , Faizan & Maaz. Syed Mohammad Zafar who expired recently have Rameez Zafar & Aaqib Zafar .
Aaqib s/o SM Zafar

From the other branch of Jan Bakhsh who had Buniyad Ali, Nawazish Ali and Hayat Ali , Buniyad Ali had Ali Bakhsh who had Ghafoorun Nisa. Nawazish Ali had Aulia Bakhsh who had Fazal Rab while Hayat Ali had four sons , Muizuddin, Ikramuddin, Sirajuddin and Basheeruddin. Again Muizuddin had Mazhar Husain who had Muhammad Taqi , while Ikramuddin had Mohammad Ilyas , Abdul Rauf and Mohammad Ilyas ! 

Zafar Ahmad (Extreme Right ) The Banana Master in Chail
In today's context Zubair Ahmad Sahib in Kanpur, Saiyid Haroon Sb in Allahabad, Saiyid Zafar Sahib in Rasoolpur from this family are well known throughout chail . Saiyid Zafar Ahmad is the person who initated the Banana Plantation and production in Tehsil Chail and is considered to be the pioneer in this field. He has been awarded by the State Government of UP for his outstanding contribution towards the Banana Cultivation. He was very kind to me and took me round the village which is two parts the main village and the Purwa. He took me to Saiyid Muhammad Swalih Noori Sahib of Minhajpur who is residing in Rasoolpur in his in-laws. He is a god-fearing pious person.

Few memories of SM Zafar of Rasoolpur Qazi

At last

The night when I visited Nazarganj turned stormy close to Midnight. Wind-blown rain pattered noisily against my bedroom window, as I opened the cover and flipped the pages of a Book. I don’t know why but I started thinking that our life too is limited like the pages of this book and one day the last page would come? Have I ever given it a minute? There started a shower of questions that I was unable to respond.

I do not know when my final page will come but have I prepared to finish the book or not?
Have I really lived a life as desired by our Creator? Does my life has anything to offer for the posterity?
Did each page is carefully read or tread?
Should I turn the page on tomorrow? What new mystery and excitement will it unfold?
When the last page would come and what will happen after that?

I thought about myself to be a man with sight but no vision. I am no better than a beast, eat , drink and be merry and that’s all ? No vision at all and loads of false ego on our head!

Suddenly the window rattled against the winds and I came out of my delusion, I would finish my run today by quoting three of the sayings of our beloved Prophet Salla Allahu Alaihi Wasallam

1-"Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind."  

2-"Conduct yourself in this world, as if you are here to stay forever; prepare for eternity as if you have to die tomorrow.", (Bukhari)

3-"The worldly comforts are not for me. I am like a traveller, who takes a rest under a tree in the shade and then goes on his way.(Muslims & Bukhari)

Now listen to what Allama Iqbal Says :-

Khalid Bin Umar
New Delhi



  1. great job khalid was all your efforts with grace of allah that you a completed a task which seemed to be almost impossible...once again i congratulate and thank you for making us aware of the history our khandan.

  2. it was all ur great efforts khalid bhai along with the grace of allah.the task always seemed 2 be impossible for ny1.thanx for providing such valuable and important information about our khandan,and the history of pargan chail.and yeah finally thanx for coming to rasoolpur qazi so what in last.

  3. Bhayya salam karne ko jee chahta hai tumhe , jo kam ek academy ke liye mushkil hai wo ek launda tanha kar raha hai , kamal hai dost, zarur tum per Allaah ka bara karam hai ! Ye koi mamuli kam nahi hai , aur ye tum kar kiske liye rahe ho ? Koi fayda nahi Hamari qaum to murda ho chuki hai, saha kaha tumne sirf yahi pata hai hamre barabar kamina kauno nahi na. Lekin dost tum aadmi milne layaq ho ! Kaun gaun hai tumhar !

    1. Salam - Very interesting way of writing. Thanks for your comments. Khalid

  4. very interesting khalid bhai < as i am mentioning you that the silsila of wazeer ahmed whose son is maqbool ahmed > jamal ahmed is in pakistan who is the son of maqbool ahmed > after then danish ahmed, kashif ahmed , shoaib ahmed.

  5. As salaam alikum keep it up khalid sahab i like much ur efforts i want to say thanks for join the BADAGAON in ur blog i want to meent u whenever i will come back to INDIA " you are a out standing personality in chail 4 me really you are a superb " my father Dr. Hasan ahmad & my elder brother nadeem hasan thanks a lot khalid sahab ............ plz remeber in dua

    1. Dear Azeem Hasan - Salam !

      Indeed it is all from Allaah.

      Jazak Allah for your comments.

      Khalid Bin Umar

  6. As salaam alikum, very good effort Khalid bhai, my name is Danish Ahmed, and our grand father late Maqbool Ahmed migrate pakistan with his father Wasi Ahmed ( Decendents of Faiz Muhammad ), it is very nice to know our past.... Thanks agaaain from my bottom of heart..

  7. Dear Danish Bhai - My pleasure ! Jazak Allah for your words.
    Khalid Bin Umar

  8. Salam and very much appreciate your work. My mom is from Nazar Ganj and Dad from Sayiad Sarawan's Usmani. It really is wonderful to know where my family came from as I never got to see that part of the world.
    Can you make one correction,

    Wazeer Ahmad and his sons....
    Manzoor had Maroof, Shameem, Ishtiyaq.....
    It should be Manzoor had Asfaque, Shakeel, Maroof and Shameem. Four sons in that order. They are all my maternal uncles so I know them very well.

    Iqbal Ahmed

  9. Assalamu Alaikum !

    Thanks Iqbal Sahib. Have made the corrections.

    Jazak Allah for your appreciation.

    Khalid Bin Umar

  10. Great Khalid Bhai ,Its interesting Infact Rasollpur is Mara abba aur dada dono ka nahial hai apart from that most of house we have been related some how in past .May Allha help in all the field of life .

  11. جناب خالد بن عمر اسلام علیکم!!
    میرا تعلق پاکستان سے ہے اور میرے والدین کا تعلق انڈیا سے تھا۔ آپ نے الہٰ آباد پرگنہ چائیل پر کام کیا ہے اس میں بڑے گاوں کا بھی تعفصیلی ذکر دیکھنے کو ملا ۔ میرے والد مرحوم کا تعلق بھی بڑے گاوں سے تھا۔ آپ نے بڑے گاوں کی شخصیات میں ان کا بھی نام درج کیا ہے۔ میرے والد (اسرار احمد بخاری نقوی) نے تقسیمِ ہند و پاکستان کے وقت انڈیا سے پاکستان ہجرت کر کے پاکستان کے صوبے سندہ کے مشہور شہر لاڑکانہ میں سکونت اختیار کی۔چند برس اس شہر میں قیام کے بعد سندہ کے دارالخلافہ کراچی میں قیام پذیر ہوئے اور اسی شہر میں مدفون ہیں۔
    آپ نے جس محنت اور دلچسپی سے ہمارے آبا اجداد کی تفصیل قلم بند کی ہے اس پر میں آپ کا ب حد مشکور و ممنون ہوں اور آنے والی نسلیں ہمیشہ آپ کو یاد رکھے گی۔
    سید شمس الدین بخاری نقوی

  12. جناب خالد بن عمر اسلام علیکم!!
    میرا تعلق پاکستان سے ہے اور میرے والدین کا تعلق انڈیا سے تھا۔ آپ نے الہٰ آباد پرگنہ چائیل پر کام کیا ہے اس میں بڑے گاوں کا بھی تعفصیلی ذکر دیکھنے کو ملا ۔ میرے والد مرحوم کا تعلق بھی بڑے گاوں سے تھا۔ آپ نے بڑے گاوں کی شخصیات میں ان کا بھی نام درج کیا ہے۔ میرے والد (اسرار احمد بخاری نقوی) نے تقسیمِ ہند و پاکستان کے وقت انڈیا سے پاکستان ہجرت کر کے پاکستان کے صوبے سندہ کے مشہور شہر لاڑکانہ میں سکونت اختیار کی۔چند برس اس شہر میں قیام کے بعد سندہ کے دارالخلافہ کراچی میں قیام پذیر ہوئے اور اسی شہر میں مدفون ہیں۔
    آپ نے جس محنت اور دلچسپی سے ہمارے آبا اجداد کی تفصیل قلم بند کی ہے اس پر میں آپ کا ب حد مشکور و ممنون ہوں اور آنے والی نسلیں ہمیشہ آپ کو یاد رکھے گی۔
    سید شمس الدین بخاری نقوی

  13. Salam Khalidh Bhai aap ka kam Qabile Stayish hai

  14. Aslkm khalid grandfathers belong to the place.. jaleeluddin jameeluddin and khaleeluddin 3 brothers in chail..jameeluddin had 1 son hameeduddin..jaleeluddin 3 sons..riaz ahmad fasi ahmad and basheer ahmad.. later these 3 moved to allahabad...riaz ahmad wrked as peshkar in court.. fasi ahmad and basheer ahmad were thekedaar.. basheer ahmad later moved to lucknow and had a son saeed abmad..fasi ahmad went and settled in faizabad.. saeed ahmad had 1 son aslam siddiqui and 2 of them is my mother...if u could detail this one please...

  15. Wa alaikum Assalam

    Sister Samreen

    You did not mention which village your grand-father belonged to ? It was BadaGaon or Chail or was it Pargana Chail ?

    Do mention you e-mail for a response.

    Khalid Bin Umar

  16. Dear Khaild Bhai,
    Asalam walikom, I read you blog on Malvi Liaqat Ali, really enlightening blog indeed.
    However the reason for the comment is rather different, I read you blog again today about Bada goan and Nazarganj and noted, what I think is, mistake. Knowing you for being meticulous even for finer details, I am drawing you attention to it.
    Under the heading history (of Bada Goan) you expanded on name Patti Parvezabab, noted the name might have been link to “Sultan Parviz (1590-1626), son of Emperor Shah Jahan”. Whereas Sultan Parvez (Muhammad Parvez Mirza) was not the son of Shah Jahan, but was rather his elder brother.
    Parvez Mirza was in fact the second son of Jahangir. Eldest of Jahangir was Khusru Mirza who rebelled against his father (Jahangir). He did not succeed and was incarcerated in Allahabad, where he was later killed by and buried in a place called there Khusru Bagh.
    While I have the chance may I ask you, will Asrawe Khurd be covered during your work in future? I am interest because my mother belonged to Saaddat family of the Gaon.
    As ever, best regards
    Syed Farrukh Ehsan Bokhari

  17. Thank you a lot khalid sahab for providing us a history of our village and ancestor.

  18. Can you send me pic of Anwaar Ahmed s/o Nehal Ahmed of bara gao...

  19. Khalid sahab I appreciate your work...

  20. Janb ap se guzarish hai ki bada gaun ki jis haveli ko aap Chaudhary Nafees ki bata rahe hai.Wo Marhoo Ansar Ahmad Chaudhary ki hai. Chaudhary Rais Ahmad jo ki unki 3 beton me no.2 hai wo aaj hamre hayat me hain.


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